home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Saturday, November 21, 2009 - Page 11 of 21 - << previous page : next page >>
A better shot.  From what I have gathered on other websites this is the feed line for filling.
A better shot. From what I have gathered on other websites this is the feed line for filling. Click to switch to large image view
Here you can see the piece of the bridge that has been removed.
Here you can see the piece of the bridge that has been removed. Click to switch to large image view
While looking at the platform something else jumped out at me.. notice the railings or cable that formed the railing has been removed.  The vertical pieces are there but nothing between them.
While looking at the platform something else jumped out at me.. notice the railings or cable that formed the railing has been removed. The vertical pieces are there but nothing between them. Click to switch to large image view